Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Celiac Disease vs. Gluten Intolerance

The gluten free jungle can be kind of confusing for most people. You hear Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance but they are not the same thing.

Celiac Disease: Is an autoimmune disease. Gluten is ingested and it damages the small intestine. This damage can lead to malabsorption of nutrients, thus making the person very ill inside and out. It is a disease that is both an autoimmune response and malabsorption.

Gluten Intolerance: Is when there is a reaction to gluten but does not cause damage in the intestinal tract. They are able to absorb the nutrients but have some GI problems as well.

There is a difference between the two, which can affect how that individual lives in terms of the gluten free diet.

More on that tomorrow...

- Jodie

Monday, May 5, 2014

So what happens if you eat gluten?

Sorry I am just now posting this...it has been a busy day in the life of me. 

One of the  questions I am always asked is what happens when you eat gluten? 

Well #1 I am proud to say I have never purposely ingested gluten since I have been diagnosed almost three years ago. Seriously....it's an accomplishment. 

#2 Depending on the exposure level is the magnitude of my symptoms. Exposure level is using same surfaces, utensils, and cross contaminating food items. Here is a good link that explains the common ways to avoid cross contamination...for your learning pleasure :) http://www.lastcrumbbakery.com/blog/10-tips-avoiding-gluten-cross-contamination

#3 My most common reactions from cross contamination are instant migraine, feeling like all the energy in me is zapped out like I hadn't slept in weeks, horrible GI pain....I call it knife stabs all over my torso, sometimes insane bloating, not being able to think clearly...talking is an effort when this happens...it is often called "celiac fog." Sometimes my mood changes, I become irritable or super depressed acting. My joints and body ache like I was ran over by a truck sometimes even. 

Those are my symptoms just from cross contamination. Imagine the real thing?

Until next time, 

- Jodie

Friday, May 2, 2014

"That Girl"

This video is such a perfect example of how I feel on the daily basis.  I remember watching if for the first time a few months into my diagnosis and just crying because it spoke such truth. To this day I still shed a tear because I do miss have "choices" and my carefree life.

I see peoples reaction when I ask for a gluten free option or them whisper about me and they don't think I notice. I see them look at my plate with almost nothing on it with judgmental faces wondering if I am anorexic. Food is social.....and people think it is rude when you don't participate. Instead of applauding me at the fact I attended the event, knowing I would have limited to zero options, they judge me and question me as to why I am on the gluten free diet. They think I am on it by choice and not for medical need. Like Glam Without Gluten says "I did not choose Celiac.....Celiac chose me."

My challenge to you is to be more sensitive to all people with food allergies. They did not choose to be treated like an outsider for the rest of their life.....seriously who would choose that?They disclose their allergy because they want to be involved and safe all at the same time, not to be a pain in the butt to you as a host.

 It is hard admitting that you have a dietary restriction. Living in the world that we do in terms of food and gatherings you naturally feel isolated and like you don't belong. The challenge to you as a person, professional, and friend is to be aware of where they are coming from and do your best to make them feel comfortable in the environment that they can't control.

Trust me, it is nice to be treated like a human and not as a burden.

Until next time,

- Jodie

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Celiac Rules

Hello everyone!

 May is Celiac Awareness Month and even though I raise awareness 365 days a year I like giving people more insight into my Celiac Life during the month of May.

My 3rd Celiac Birthday will be this upcoming October (18th) so this May marks my third year of raising awareness. My goal is to simply educate and make all of you more aware of this disease, because there are a lot of misconceptions out there. The only way to educate is to walk in the shoes of a Celiac. Now I am not saying you need to go GF to know the experience, because you never know what it is like unless you are actually diagnosed. Plus I never advocate for someone to cut out gluten without medical need.

Below are a few "Celiac Rules" you can follow to increase your awareness this month. Maybe by the end of the month you can live one day Gluten Free to see what it is REALLY like.

The Celiac Rules

1) Read EVERYTHING -  If a label isn't available look it up online. Simply look at the ingredients and look for words like wheat, rye, barely, and malt. These are the buzz words to avoid when following a gluten free diet. The "Contains Ingredients" at the end usually states the 8 common allergies the food item may have.

2) Look at the MANUFACTURED Statement: A lot of times foods labeled "gluten free" are contaminated with gluten during the manufacturing process. This statement is usually at the end of the ingredient list. Is the item REALLY safe and GFree?

3) Ask for a gluten free option at a restaurant- This is if you REALLY want an experience. See how the staff treat you and their reactions to "gluten free".  Also do they offer you just plain salad options or a real meal.

4) Look at how people handle food- Do they touch "gluten" and then submerge their hand in a gluten free option? Do they use the same utensils, gloves, etc? Would a celiac be safe eating it or is it cross contaminated? Google "cross contaminated" to understand this more.

5) "When in doubt don't eat"- I googled everything the first six months of my diagnosis. Even to this day if I doubt it is safe I don't eat or participate, even with naturally gluten free options.

Hopefully these tips help you become aware during this month. Maybe it helps you see how you yourself can better cater to those with allergies, cross contamination is HUGE, even within my HESA program I see it happen all the time.

When you find a GF item post and tag me in it, text me, snap, tweet, whatever your form of communication is.

Also, send me questions!! This is the month to ask those dying question you have been wanting to. They can be personal or fact based. You can't become more aware without asking questions.

Until next time,

- Jodie