Friday, May 2, 2014

"That Girl"

This video is such a perfect example of how I feel on the daily basis.  I remember watching if for the first time a few months into my diagnosis and just crying because it spoke such truth. To this day I still shed a tear because I do miss have "choices" and my carefree life.

I see peoples reaction when I ask for a gluten free option or them whisper about me and they don't think I notice. I see them look at my plate with almost nothing on it with judgmental faces wondering if I am anorexic. Food is social.....and people think it is rude when you don't participate. Instead of applauding me at the fact I attended the event, knowing I would have limited to zero options, they judge me and question me as to why I am on the gluten free diet. They think I am on it by choice and not for medical need. Like Glam Without Gluten says "I did not choose Celiac.....Celiac chose me."

My challenge to you is to be more sensitive to all people with food allergies. They did not choose to be treated like an outsider for the rest of their life.....seriously who would choose that?They disclose their allergy because they want to be involved and safe all at the same time, not to be a pain in the butt to you as a host.

 It is hard admitting that you have a dietary restriction. Living in the world that we do in terms of food and gatherings you naturally feel isolated and like you don't belong. The challenge to you as a person, professional, and friend is to be aware of where they are coming from and do your best to make them feel comfortable in the environment that they can't control.

Trust me, it is nice to be treated like a human and not as a burden.

Until next time,

- Jodie

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