Monday, May 5, 2014

So what happens if you eat gluten?

Sorry I am just now posting has been a busy day in the life of me. 

One of the  questions I am always asked is what happens when you eat gluten? 

Well #1 I am proud to say I have never purposely ingested gluten since I have been diagnosed almost three years ago.'s an accomplishment. 

#2 Depending on the exposure level is the magnitude of my symptoms. Exposure level is using same surfaces, utensils, and cross contaminating food items. Here is a good link that explains the common ways to avoid cross contamination...for your learning pleasure :)

#3 My most common reactions from cross contamination are instant migraine, feeling like all the energy in me is zapped out like I hadn't slept in weeks, horrible GI pain....I call it knife stabs all over my torso, sometimes insane bloating, not being able to think clearly...talking is an effort when this is often called "celiac fog." Sometimes my mood changes, I become irritable or super depressed acting. My joints and body ache like I was ran over by a truck sometimes even. 

Those are my symptoms just from cross contamination. Imagine the real thing?

Until next time, 

- Jodie

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