Friday, May 1, 2015

Celiac Awareness Month 2015

 Wow I can't believe it is May already!! Where has the year 2015 gone?

This is a very special month for me because I will be graduating from the University of South Carolina with my Master's Degree! Earning a Master's has been a life long dream of mine, and it is amazing that I am days from achieving it.

This month marks the fourth May of me being diagnosed with Celiac Disease. When you put that into perspective that is the length of High School! Even though it has been four years I still have ups and downs in regards to this disease. I try my hardest to joke about it with my family, friends, and co-workers because I know it is equally hard for them as it is for me. It also sometimes takes the edge off of it.

Now, in previous years I have been very inconsistent when it comes to posting throughout the month of May. Simply because life happens! So I am more than likely not going to post everyday, unless people really want me to talk about something in particular.

This year I wanted to gear my blog more to the audience! What do you want to learn about? What are questions that you have always wanted to ask but never felt comfortable doing so? I have created a Google Form where you can submit request and questions throughout the month. Request are bigger questions that I can dedicate a whole post to, questions are smaller items that I can simply answer in a few sentences.

So welcome to my blog and I hope we get to discuss lots throughout this month!

- Jodie

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