Monday, May 2, 2016

Celiac Awareness Month 2016

When the month of May rolls around most people think of this...

I am a Backstreet Boys over NSync fan so that is why I did not use the typical Justin Timberlake meme haha. 

Even though I love my boy bands, and all the memes I see on Facebook, when May rolls I always think about this....

This year I am celebrating my fifth May as a Celiac. It is hard to believe that five years has already gone by! I was watching my Youtube videos from my first Celiac Awareness month, and it is crazy to see where I was within my diagnosis. Even though I was putting on a brave face during that time I still was trying to accept my life with this disease. Fast forward five years and I feel like I am finally in the "Acceptance" phase of food grief! I figured it would be a cool idea this month to reflect and talk about how I felt going through all of the stages. 

I have a few ideas about what other topics I will discuss this month, but I want to know what YOU want to learn about! So make sure you submit questions via this Google Form

Hopefully, life will not get in the way and I will be able to actually post regularly throughout this month. I am not enrolled in school, and not graduating, so I really have no excuse right?!?! 

Look forward to raising awareness with all of you people this month! 

- Jodie 

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